Monday, November 19, 2012

Two Weeks Is A Long Time

Dearest Family,
Dad--yes, just send the package to the mission office, that would be easiest. And, if I need to get another coat, I will. I've bought some cardigans for the cooler weather, so my checking account is going down, but hopefully there is still enough :)
Mom--I will start doing that in my gratitude journal...
Okay, now for the highlights and miracles of the week (sorry I don't have much time, and I still have to write president)
We had a high number of goals, because we are commited to winning a trip to the temple with the Zone Leaders, and we met them all!! For the past two weeks we have met and gotten 3-5 new investigators, made 80 contacts or so (51 this last week!!!!) and 24 member referral requests. The ward can tell we have caught fire, and they are excited in helping us with the work and seeing these people we are teaching enter the waters of baptism. Some of the new investigators are not easy to get a hold of and we haven't had much luck teaching them, but I know that as we pray to find ways to see them and teach them, the Lord will provide, if it is His will.
Okay, so for the investigators...
L. H. is doing really well and getting more excited for her baptism. Thank goodness we went over the baptismal interview questions because for our next lesson the family let out a huge secret, that L. and M. aren't legally married. After talking with President Godwin we found the way for them to get married, and not to be worried that L. will be deported (she's not a legal cititzen). M. was really giddy the next time we saw him and you can tell the marriage is going to happen. L. is so glad to be able to still be baptized on December 1st. She is a marvelous woman and has a lot of faith. M. is making changes too and willing to pay tithing.
Esai is a new investigator we met last week as we were leaving the library from emailing you. He thought we were library workers, and then we started talking to him about the restored gospel. He really seemed interested and we set a return appointment. In that first appointment he accepted baptism and the next day came to church and loved it! There was a perfect fellowshipper for him, Will, and we thought all was great. Well, a few days after the 2nd lesson, Esai told us he doesn't want to be baptized, and that he was done. We continued to text him and encourage him, and then shocker, on Sunday he showed up at church. His initial intention was to give us back the Book of Mormon we gave him, but we convinced him to stay for Sacrament, and then during 2nd hour he told us his real concern (and it is not about being Catholic). He doesn't believe there could be a modern day prophet like Moses on the earth. We had a little lesson about prophets and told him to ask the Lord if there could be a prophet on the earth today. We hope he does.
We haven't been able to see Veronica this week, and in a text she sent us, she has been struggling. It seems as soon as someone decides they want to be baptized and progress, the adversary comes in with full force. We are doing all we can to see her, but still no luck. Pray for her that she will open up to us with any concerns that she has and that she can be baptized on December 15th, the day we set for her.
Some other people who are needing our prayers and fasting: A. had a mental breakdown this last Monday and for a week was in a mental hospital. She had decided she didn't want to be a member anymore and then the next day she opened up to us that she was seeing visions and hearing voices. Luckily, she is on better medicine and coming home today. I think she wants to be part of the church again. Also, another woman we were visiting, Cindy Borges, lost her husband this Tuesday to cardiac arrest (totally unexpected). She is broken and really questioning if her husband knows she loves him. But she knows Sister Stacey and I can help her. She's been less-active for years, but I think this experience is helping her to come back. Could you put both their names in the temple?
I'm so grateful for the people we are teaching and how they use us for spiritual strength. It is exhausting, but so worth it. Jesus Christ must have been the most tired missionary ever! Yet, those days are the days that I feel the most fulfilled and happy. I am grateful for all the prayers and love I feel from family and friends. I will think of you a lot this week, and know that I am there in Spirit.
Sister Allison Mills

(Here are some pictures she included in the email. One is of their car, another in their new apartment, and the third was with another missionary, Sister Adney--they did Sister Exchanges last week, which was why we didn't get her regular email...that, and Veteran's Day being on their regular P-day.)

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